Pastor John’s Journey and God’s Grace


I was raised by hard-working parents who provided a middle-class lifestyle but were not spiritually oriented. Thankfully, my maternal grandmother was a Christian and influenced our family by her godly lifestyle. We attended church services around Christmas and Easter as well as a couple of Vacation Bible Schools where I became acquainted with the basic story-line of Christ’s life and death. In my adolescent years my grandmother motivated my parents to require me to go through Lutheran confirmation where I came under conviction for my sin and saw, through the Law of God, that I was incapable of obtaining God’s favor on my own. Nevertheless, I was, at this point, on a worldly trajectory and rebelled against the light of God’s truth pursuing instead fleshly gratification through partying and risky behaviors. God, however, was at work to draw me to himself.

In my senior year of high school events coalesced which God used to tighten his grip on my life. My mother, through a work association and the longstanding influence of her mother, experienced a spiritual awakening/ conversion to Christ. She began to study the Bible and impart her knowledge to me. That same year, several people in my peer group lost their lives through drugs/alcohol and motor-vehicle accidents. Their deaths reinforced to my conscience the need to get right with God. Later that same year, while partying in Florida, I received a comic book style Christian tract , titled “This was Your Life”, that God used to further emphasize His claims on my life. This Was Your Life (Video of This Was Your Life)  I now possessed sufficient knowledge to turn to Christ but I resisted God’s mercy for several more years until I was deeply hurt by a young woman whom I had intended to marry. As our relationship disintegrated, I actively sought God’s mercy and cried out to Him for forgiveness.


During this same season, I encountered Jill who was in a similar place spiritually and we began to seek God through the Scriptures and church attendance. When Jill prepared to leave our hometown to return to college in Madison, WI, I quit my construction job and found a room in Madison and took a job painting houses. Jill and I were married later that year and found spiritual bedrock through the teaching we received at Middle Baptist Church. Dr. Richard “Dick” Sisson and the Middleton Baptist Church’ College and Career Group became our “family”. Pastor “Dick” was a passionate expositor of the Bible and sought to equip the available to share the Gospel. One of my earliest memories as a new believer is participating in the Evangelism course Pastor Dick taught. Prior to the course, I had been sharing God’s word with people I encountered but Dick’s training in evangelism gave me a more organized and persuasive way to communicate what God had done in my life. As I grew through the ministry at Middleton Baptist Church and sought the Lord on my own I was powerfully moved by a sense of personal gratitude[1] to offer my entire being to God for His glory.

We faithfully attended Middleton Baptist Church and took to heart Pastor Dick’s guidance regarding intentionally seeking the Lord through a regular time of personal devotion. My knowledge of and experience with God grew as I practiced the spiritual disciplines of Bible study and prayer. As I sought to the Lord, I felt that He through the Great Commission, was calling me to proclaim His Word to others. As we continued to learn of the ways God was working in the world through the missionaries that M.B.C. supported we too felt strongly attracted to missionary service. In December of 1984 Jill and I and a about ten other college students from M.B.C. traveled to Urbana-Champagne, Illinois to attend the triennial Urbana Missions Conference sponsored by Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. At Urbana we heard challenging messages from men and women with a heart for the lost and also interacted personally with various mission agencies and training institutes and seminaries. In the coming months, in consultation with Pastor Dick, we decided to enroll in the training offered through New Tribes Mission.

Our formative ministry experiences occurred during our three and ½ years of training with New Tribes Mission. In 1985, we stepped out in faith and moved from Madison, WI to Waukesha, WI to attend New Tribes Bible Institute pursuing the developing dream of serving the Lord as foreign missionaries. Though we were less than two years old in the Lord, we had become convinced from the Scriptures that Jesus Christ was the only hope that any one had of finding peace with God for “there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”[2] One of our service requirements as students with New Tribes was participation in the weekly evangelism outreach. Small groups of students would disperse into various high-traffic areas in the cities of Waukesha or Milwaukee and prayerfully look for opportunities to share the Gospel with whoever would talk with us. Sometimes we found a receptive audience among the college students in the area of student hangouts, other times we engaged in dialogue individuals we found waiting at bus stops or just walking down the street. This “confrontational” style of evangelism took most of us out of our comfort zones and one could question whether it was culturally relevant. Nevertheless, in spite of the rejection we frequently experienced we also had the opportunity to lead a number of people to faith in Christ. Moreover, we were learning how to think on our feet regarding spiritual issues and honing our one-on-one counseling skills. During that same era, Jill and I became very involved in a small group ministry geared to young married couples through Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, WI. The preaching at Elmbrook under the ministry of Stuart Briscoe was stimulating but the most influential aspect of this experience proved to be the body-life  we encountered in the young couples’ group.Scan_Pic0001

As we attended and served in the small group structure that had been created we began to see the life-transforming influence that a Christ-centered community could have on men and women. Our experiences in this context also became a reference point for doable forms of discipleship among young Christians. From that small group ministry experience we developed relationships that we have maintained for the last twenty years. I’ve seen and am convinced that great things can happen in people’s lives when they commit themselves to Christ-centered relationships and seek to serve God in fellowship with one another.

Even before we were certain of God’s forgiveness and grace made possible through Christ, Jill and I had begun to seek the Lord through personal Bible study. My mother had experienced conversion when I was eighteen years old and when Jill and I married she gave us an Open Bible® with Master Study Outlines covering various theological topics such as “What is God like? “;  “Is the Bible Trustworthy? “; “Who is Jesus Christ?” and other foundational doctrinal issues. As we studied God’s word, we were gaining a Biblically- based understanding of vital spiritual truths. Once we gained an assurance of salvation under Pastor Dick Sisson’s ministry, he reinforced our Bible study routine by influencing us to seek the Lord, daily, through his Word and prayer. It’s been our individual habit ever since to carve out time at the beginning of each day to draw near to God. I follow a Bible reading schedule that takes me through the entire Bible each year. Frequently, I will journal about what God is revealing to me. I also have benefited greatly from memorizing and meditating on Scripture. Our training with New Tribes Mission involved memorizing numerous passages on a variety of themes and some larger blocks of Scripture. Having God’s word available through memory has been a rich resource for prayer, meditation, public ministry and private counseling. I pray daily for my family and for individuals in my sphere of influence who are grappling with difficult life issues. I frequently intercede for government officials, church leaders and for God to bring glory to His Name through His redeemed people in the USA, in countries where persecution is a reality and among the unreached people groups of the world.[3]

I’m inspired by the revelation of the Scriptures that a day is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.[4] This knowledge motivates me to do all in my power to influence those who I can to turn to Christ. [5] The greatest honor in all of Eternity would be to stand in my Lord’s presence and to hear Him declare that I was a “good and faithful servant”. [6]  Eternity is real and each of us will give an account for how we invested our lives. [7]  I’m attempting to live my life with Eternity in view.[8]

My life verse is Hebrews 12:1,2 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience<endurance> the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. “

I deeply appreciate the emphasis in these verses on looking beyond the present age to the eternal future that awaits us as we obey Jesus Christ. As we run our respective spiritual races we will be empowered and sustained as we set our sights on our Lord, the author/captain of our salvation and the one who has joyfully and victoriously run the race of faith.

My journey in recent years has included some deep spiritual valleys. My first wife Jill died in April 2009 after a long battle with cancer. God, in His grace, allowed us a generous  season of time  to prepare for her passing. She died with great courage and urged me to continue to pursue the calling God had placed on my life. In October of 2009, I married a delightful woman named Nancy. She and I have been enjoying our life together, and in the summer of 2021 we relocated to the Ozarks where we are building relationships and serving the Lord!

[1] Romans 12:1-2; Titus 2:11-15

[2] Acts 4:12

[3] 1 Timothy 2:1-5

[4] Philippians 2:10,11

[5] 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

[6] Matthew 25:21, 23

[7] I Corinthians 3:13-15

[8] 2 Timothy 4:7,8